
The Little Hedgehog is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors. This policy sets out how our website uses cookies.
When you browse our website and agree to this policy, you consent to our use of cookies on your device in accordance with the terms of this policy. When you use The Little Hedgehog website, you’ll also agree to us accessing your cookies when you visit our site in the future. If you want to delete any cookies that are on your computer, you can get guidance on this in the help section of your browser; alternatively, you can use Google to find a step-by-step guide. You can also go to your history tab in your browser and select what history you would like to delete or keep.
For more information about cookies, go to
Please note that your experience while using the website might be affected by the removal of cookies.

How We Use Cookies

A cookie consists of information sent by a web server to a web user, and that information is then stored on the web user’s web browser. The information is thereafter sent back to the server each time the web user requests a page from the specific server. This enables the web server to identify and track the web user.
We may use both ‘session’ cookies and ‘persistent’ cookies on the website. We will use session cookies to keep track of you while you navigate the website and to improve your experience while browsing it. Session cookies will be deleted from your computer when you close your browser. We will use persistent cookies to enable our website to recognise you when you visit; e.g. to remember your login email (if it has been saved) or your favourite landing pages. Persistent cookies will remain stored on your computer until they are deleted or until they reach a specified expiry date. Web users can also remove cookies by clearing their web browsing history.
There are four main types of cookie. We’ve outlined how we use them as follows:

  • Site functionality cookies. These allow you to use The Little Hedgehog website and its features.
  • Site analytics cookies. These let us measure and analyse our website visitors and how they use the site. This helps us improve the functionality of the site and the user experience while browsing.
  • Customer preference cookies. Whenever you are browsing The Little Hedgehog website, these cookies will remember what preferences you have set, such as your location, language and favourite landing page. This makes your user experience more enjoyable and personalised.
  • Targeting or advertising cookies. These cookies are used to deliver relevant advertising content. If you search for a certain product and you’re located in a specific country, we will show ads based on your search. This makes the advertising process targeted and more seamless.


If you have any questions about this cookie policy, our treatment of cookies or anything else relating to our website, please use this contact form.