Please, never be shy and always wave and say hello when you see me! Even though hedgehogs are naturally solitary animals, I am a friendly one. I am Spikey and I would love to say hello to you too. Just stand back a little, say hello, and I’ll sniff a hello back.
To make sure you recognise me, try to draw me first. Here is how:
And now that you know my shape, can you also colour me correctly? You can colour in all of my friends too!
Would you like to have me visit your garden? Follow my checklist to find out how to attract me in.
DOWNLOAD CHECKLIST How to attract Spikey and other hedgehogs to your garden
Please see here for more information about how you can help hedgehogs, or visit our Facts about Hedgehogs page.
Would you like to be part of a hedgehog community? Why not keep track of us in your own hedgehog-spotting diary?
Have you ever been to a park? Have you ever been in Regent’s Park? Have you ever seen any of my friends there? How many can you spot? Have you seen any other animals that live there?